Monday, July 31, 2006
the sophmore slump is an uphill battle
i'm going for my class chalet which i think is gonna be a blast instead of krunk @sentosa. so the chalet committee except ner and gurleen had lunch together and fangs is now part of us, yaye. we had plan the games and all, and its really cool. though its gonna be like lots of hard work and thinking, it will be worth it i'm sure. so all in all, we planned 2 games and we've confirmed 1 of them. and cuz we have really short attention span, we just went on playing the com and xbox in jia's house. and i learnt 3 words for the chi test tmrw, productive. oh and we watched this mtv which was really cool, they literally translate the english words to chi subtitles.
this month's so damn busy with tests which i got to mug so hard for. but well this is the last time i can party and all alry! next term's down to mug mug mug for eoys. times passing too fast, pls slow down! its really scary seeing the days go by so fast >:( this year's quite a blast. oh wells pls stop making my ____feel this way anymore. even if i don't exactly know the details, she's afterall my ____. i feel really upset seeing her that way. and she's going away tmrw till fri, and then again on the sun till mon. and the last week of aug and i won't see her till the 3rd. so i'm really going to miss my ____ very much. and now she's like all so blah. though i don't listen to her and all sometimes, i feel really sad too. so do you see the picture? pls stop, since you alry know the whole ____ spreads news like wildfire. so keep things to yourself cuz it'll eventually come back to the person again, if you didn't realise for don't know how many years.
7:06 PM
Sunday, July 30, 2006
your symphony, singing in all that i am
thats how much i'm addicted to it, and soon i'm going to get addicted to the oc and the hills! oh please contact me @98380318/xenodice@hotmail if you have it or know where to buy them. thank you very much, thrillion love :) oh and stop telling me that julian hee's gay. hes like dah sex, don't don't make me sad. and i actually blogged 3 times today, well done.
you love "grease" baby,
i love "snatch"
10:26 PM
she stole everything your heart desired
i just watched the last episode of laguna beach on mtv just now. its really sad, to see them parting. and kristin reminiscing the past of stephen and her. it was really sweet and sad. i really want to get the dvd man. well i hope tim ong finds it! and stephen coletti is really hot :D oh theres gonna be a new one called the hills. it looks really good, and its almost like laguna beach just that a new country, new friends and blah. i'll try to catch it every tuesday night at 930. oh and i've been studying today yaye. did my bio and abit of social. ugh i want to watch the lake house =( i was reading this magazine and they were talking about the show, it sounds really sweet and all. i need to go zara again, i still got 150bucks of vouchers to spend.
5 more days to the weekends again.
4 more weeks to sept hols :)
4:20 PM
hopeless love, why did you carve your home in me
bestest's asked if wanted to go for booze with hweeli tonight but nah i'm not really keen on tonight. haha cuz someone missed out on friday, well who didn't want to answer my call hah. i'm quite drained out from everything, doesn't look like but its a fact. like i was telling ju about how it seems like happy and taking things in your stride, but it doesn't seem so. anyway i think i'm going to play sims2 after this because i seriously need to play a computer game. i've been reading kiss the dust today, and i quite understand the story though i think i need to read again. need to study my accounts, cuz i have no shit idea what is source document and how to do it. next 3 weeks of tests again, then hweeli's which i really can't wait, and then the long awaited chalet. so i'm going to study so hard for this common tests, especially my stupid chem/bio. my mum's going to fucking paris, geneva, okay going around europe damn it on the last week of term3 schl. please tell me why can't she go during my hols and just pack me in the luggage. why why why, when she told me i was like shit you're going to go to so many places! ugh.. i'd really love to go paris, mummy :) okay but what the heck, i'll prolly just spend the 29th night with hweeli, bestest(you better come!), oh can't wait, its gonna be cool yo. and i went really emo on bestest just now, some really random stuff. but seriously i'll cry my eyeballs out if i do. okay go figure.
hopeless love please leave me.
this broken heart is far too weak to run for you this long.
why don't you care at all?
i'm dying for a place in your heart.
12:56 AM
Saturday, July 29, 2006
a fantabulous night to make romance
i love you bitch, so damn fucking much i swear♥
we're the unloves :) anyhows tonight was the bomb. pictures up soon. will upload some on my friendster.
- no more fines stuff anymore cuz my mum's sponsering chalet, how nice
- chinese was like uhm normal
- got home changed bathed
- banked in my bloody cheque, and some idiot spelt my name wrongly ughhh so it got bloody bounced.
- shopped, finally got my topshop top.
- talked to tim abit, hes so retarded and stupid!! hahaha. but was really hilarious. i'll consider my 50bucks voucher. hawhaw.
- wanted to go indo @wisma but was fucking crowded
- so we walked to so many places, but it all sucked.
- and so we ended up in balcony @heeren, the drinks there were good i swear.
- talked and everything.
- the night was so damn awesome.
- friday i'm in love :)
12:23 AM
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
someday i'll pay the bills with this guitar
- i'm quite proud of myself cuz i've been blogging here regularly
- planned our class chalet, sounds pretty exciting cuz sha, jia and i thought some stuffs :)
- new rules for class fund so that theres more money for chalet
- firstly, i got caught by nerissa for sleeping
- secondly, i got caught by ms oh for sleeping (and her lesson ended alry!)
- therefore i now owe 3 bucks to the class fund
- i really cant sleep anymore =(
- tests are coming up, suck balls srly
- tim ong and i are going on our laguna beach season1&2 search spree and we're gng to get the dvds man :D
- new cast for laguna beach season3 ugh
- laguna beach is love<3
- bed time yay
oh, my baby's sexy for sure
i had to have him when he walked through the door
10:50 PM
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
i swear i'd rip my heart out if you said you'd be impressed
if i bother to delete, i think you should too.
irneoufcuyekurcs :)
9:41 PM
Monday, July 24, 2006
you could have left "sincerely yours"
and i'm still waiting for you to say you hate me now
so i don't have to, hold on to this burning heart
this burning heart is getting old, getting old
and while i'm sitting on this cold kitchen floor
head down to hide the tears i've realized,
i've finally realized that you were never meant for me.
( midnight highway )
7:24 PM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
puzzle pieces from the clay
dahh weekend was the sex, seriously<3
- battle of the bands
- the atmosphere was goodddddd with barker supporters infront and jia, julie and friends behind screaming.
- acs (int) sang sweetness by jimmy eat world. the singer's gooooodddd.
- barker singer was damn gooooooooooooood
- overall, barker won obviously.
- & i finally saw maple tan, stephanie yeo and timothy ong :D
- dad picked bestest and i
- supper
- 7-11
- hweeli's place
- tanning and the bloody sun kept hiding but bestest and my efforts of waiting didn't come to waste. not that tann though. lousyyyy.
- slept
- nikki came, kailin came, got ready
- cabbed to brewerkz
- talked caught up and blah blah blahhh.
- everyone started coming
- drank plain vodka omg it burns your throat.
- tim han called, so talked on the phone for a bit and he's so annoying in the retarded way.
- hannah and janice left cuz they got wasted.
- played scissors, paper, stone and i won all the games.
- left bernice, bestest, jamie, hweeli, her family people and me.
- i got real fuck emo on bestest
- went to asylum(?) to drink
- tried to get into gotham
- wanted to go phunk, but went back to her place
- hweeli got soooooo damn high, i swear.
- dad picked me up
its back to schl again for 5 days, suck balls. maple tan, i'm no hot stuff you sexy person! i like your bag and your top. haha i want to meet up with you again, maple tannnnnnnnnn :(
1:44 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
and girl if i were a sculptor

so i try to find the melody as beautiful as you
find the words to say your eyes are bluer than blue
fill my voice with the emotion i'm feeling for you
and now when the beat is so strong i'd give my heart in a song
6:21 PM
Thursday, July 20, 2006
broken sails, we should bale, but let's kiss
they don't understand the difference anymore, they really don't. she can't feel the drag, neither can she feel the solemn days. she doesn't feel a fuck thing. was that suppose to be true, or is it just some old cliche rumour. tell her, did she even make some sense?
lovedrug babe, l-o-v-e-d-r-u-g.
and too cold for kisses,
cause i've fallen from heaven.
your halo is just a punch in my face,
you're all the rage, you're all the fun,
but if you ever cross me i'll get you.
sweet revenge is just a matter of time,
it's just a matter of time, a matter of time.
10:08 PM
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
just lying down, like my butterfly
over-emotional is very much like taking a roller-coaster ride. in a split second, one can go by "floating-on air" to "down in the dumps". emotions have been said to be complex and baffling. to be ruled by one's heart and not one's head puts one in a vunerable position.
- by anonymous
9:18 PM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
you drive away from my car crash of a heart
yeah so the weekends was really dahhh sex baby<3
- pathlight schl and shit the kids there are really awesome, especially those small little girls and boys.
- met hweeli, bestest, bernice and anna, reviving the good old days.
- lunched @cream bistro
- shopped and caught up so damn much.
- hweeli's house, camwhoring and bitching sessions. hurry send me the pictures babe! (love love)
- got my new phone, v3i baby:D
- bestest came over!
- talked about going abroad to study tgt cuz my mum allowed me to go along with her yaye.
- went to meeet hweeli.
- queens couture and num, omg num's clothes and bags are so damn nice. (i'm going num again, defintely.)
- forever21, bestest finally got a pretty top. (i still want that stripy top!)
- pplaza. hahah paul frank & stussy awwww.
- fareast plaza
- hweeli's house.
and next weekend's gonna be so cool yo. hweeli's party, stayover, tanning, camwhoring and all those gossiping sessions! omg i cannot wait. plus my v3i baby :D and meeting bestest after schl on thurs for more shopping, outfitter girls and pf slippers. yaye its another awesome weekend with hweeli and bestest again, heartheartheart.
8:00 PM
Friday, July 14, 2006
oh finally its the weekends yaye. this weekend and next week's gonna be the sex man. meeting hweeli<3, bernice and maybe bestest tomorrow for our soooooo 3 years ago sakae buffet, shopping, camwhoring. sunday i'm probably going to get my new phone so yeah. well its catching up with hweeli thats going to rock so damn much. its been 3 long years since i've seen her and talk to her when in pri schl we were soooo damn close. so i really can't wait!
-had to explain to the class some weird thing for geog lesson and everyone was laughing.
-seetoh thinks that my boyfriend would be very lucky next time, haha idiot!
-i fell asleep during maths lesson for the first time yaye.
-had a 5mins shut-eye during chinese
-dance lessons for music
-library with mandy and found a lot of schl year books, so we ransack them.
-jia's house, a tutor's friend.
-dinner with family & they said that i look like a hongkong actress, flora chan? omg :
oh yaye tmrw tmrw, i can't wait:D
10:08 PM
Thursday, July 13, 2006
just as i thought things were going to get better without you of course, then i stumbled across something which made me so so so mad. i didn't know i exaggerated, i think its you too. who would admit anyway, would you? oh what is this shit about quarrelling in blog posts. i'm just going to let you lead your life from now on (actually since tuesday), cos i'm wasting my time on you so true.
6:18 PM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
i don't want to be, a murderer
i don't really bother about salvaging our friendship now cuz i'm not the one thats not wanting to accept but i somehow or rather think its you and by the way, i've tried some means to do so if you didn't take notice. and that's when i realise what other people say are quite true. if only i chose to listen to them but well i just take it as a lesson learnt. so i'm going to put it down as the past, and i'll only look whats in for me in the future. and i'm thankful for the wonderful friendships we had, and in fact i would always remember what you said to me last night cuz it hurt so much that it feels like its a scar that will never heal in long term. but well since you told everyone or rather made it seem likes its my fault, so well sorry if i wasn't good a friend enough for you. no worries, i'm not going to beg for you stay cuz i'm going to choose to walk away instead of just suffering in your silence.
oh and i don't really understand why people have to tell the whole world about everything? to tell the whole world that you're so innocent and that its because of her, her and her? and well the class is not scary and quiet. its just probably cuz of stuffs. i'm not trying to like push the blame like what other people do but i'm just saying that if you don't need to tell the every single soul, making it seem like the whole thing is my fucking fault? you wouldn't admit, gee. (why can't people just shut their gap instead of spreading it. for sympathy? or just for announcing to everyone about how mean or what you say, hurting people are?)
enough is enough really. i don't want to fucking hear anything about friends anymore. you made my impression of friends change so much. thank you really, thank you all so fucking much. friends who hide behind those true self, fair-weather friends, so many of them. if you know what is hurt like, stop doing it back unless you're doing a tit for tat kind of shit. since you know whats the feeling like, well maybe i'm feeling more fucked up than that. seriously, stop it cuz no I'm Not Okay.
5:36 PM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
you're a day late and my love she's still renowned
you should know that confronts are never good, truths always hurt and you still want to go find out everything. and now you're crying over hurtful words and all. sometimes you just take words for granted, well too bad everythings said and all. bye.
"don't feel good with you around"
9:05 PM
seriously if you have something against me, come say it to my face. stop hiding behind and by sitting tables away from me doesn't really solve the situation. cuz i don't really believe those lies, its quite obvious you know. well go celebrate and laugh amongst yourselves for making me feel so damn fucking shit. isn't that what you wanted anyway. and thank you for making my day suck so damn fucking bad, you just dont know.
and no, i was not being anti social or emo in class today or neither was there anything wrong with me. i'm just so tired and fucked up by everything. how i wish there was someone who could just shoot all this unhappiness all away.
5:57 PM
Sunday, July 09, 2006
im so addicted to how shes the sweetest drug
germany vs portugal, 3:1 :D
portugal suck balls, really. and my oh my you should've seen schweinsteiger bastian last night, he kicked in 2 goals for germany baby!

schweinsteiger bastain, and the team support aw.
2:43 PM
Thursday, July 06, 2006
twinkle as the boys play rock and roll
don't you just love long bus rides, while your stereo is playing and just thinking about the yous :) maybe it sounds like some emo fuck but it gets you thinking, babes.
italy please win the finals and thus it'll make my staying up feel worthwhile.
8:10 PM