Wednesday, August 30, 2006
you're so cute when you're slurring your speech
I'm a war, of head versus heart
And it's always this way.
My head is weak, my heart always speaks
Before i know what it will say.
the day everyone (or maybe just nerissa and me?) waiting for.. the last day of term3 :D :D i've been waiting for this day since like the term started. this term's been really busy, but i thought it actually seemed really long i don't know. the eoys timetable was given out today, and this year's exams start really early. as early as 22nd sept, so am i suppose to rejoice or feel scared? both i guess. i've too little time to revise a whole year's work, but it ends like on the first week of oct. after next wednesday, its down to mugging mugging and more mugging. no more playing, going out or what so ever. cuz i'm gna do really well for eoys and then i can really enjoy the 2 months hols, going london to find hweeli with just bestest(hopefully :D), parties and plan for my sweet 16th. okay its gna be hard work for just the next few weeks then. few more weeks of hard work and 2 months of play, its worth it books i really wanna make you my bestfriends, and brains please don't die on me. and nlb, you're gonna be my new favourite hang out :) and my mum is in paris nowwwwwwwwwwwww, i miss you mummmyyy
7:49 PM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
but true love burns for a thousand years

oh i love this camera screen so much. guess whos the owner of it now? Me :)
thanks dad, one love.
i'm missing hannah koh en mei so bad though she just left today, november babe november
9:37 PM
got lucky, beautiful shot
everyone's starting to leave, its so sad. send hannie off this morning, i saw her hugged her and i cried. ugh hannie, i miss you so much ): and hweeli's leaving on friday, janice chan's leaving after exams. my god, what is the world coming to. everyone's leaving. i can picture myself leaving too. oh my gawd. such a emo day, bye.
2:45 PM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
palm trees and power lines
Hotel stayover was uhm. Let me see, was quite good i guess. love wrecked with jia @ps. The show's so damn sweeet haha. and we had noisy people sitting behind us. But i loved my cheese sausages :D went to check in the hotel then went out to meet hweeli and bernice again. Walked around, got my heels. They left, then i went to meet b, went back to put stuffs into the room then walked to zara to get a few tops. We shopped in like 5 mins cuz the shop was closing but the really nice security guard gave us 5 mins. so like wow, we shopped in about 5-10 mins. Got back, h came to meet us in the room. Then we cabbed to boat quay for seesha(however you spell it) which i think was okay though your throat hurts a bit. then cabbed again to mohammad sultan. then went to cheekys haha omg, chng remember you told me about cheekys haha. drama stuffs happened, then cabbed back to the hotel around 3am plus. i plonked onto the bed, i was so damn fucking tired i swear. And now, my elbow, eyes, knees and toe hurts.
Woke up to the laundry woman's door bell. oh and i'm Sorry b, a, h and h last night for you know. macs with b then to h's house for tanning, and no sun again. Okay i'm not going to blog anything about it anymore. I'm so sleepy so i shall go sleep now cuz i've to wake up early to meet b and h to send hannie off. hannie, i'm gonna miss you so damn much): i remember crying on you last night okay! hopefully ner and i can go on thurs, and stupid fat jiaaa don't be lazy.
I've seen it done before. i'm walking on, i'll walk it of, oh i'm moving on.
5:52 PM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
don't fly fast. oh, pilot can you help me?
Just send my mum to the airport with my dad, bestest and kheng. Bestest was being so retarded, even my mum was laughing! But haha i love bestest and we love that dhl balloon that we were screaming in the car. (thanks kheng for london brigeS) haha. Anyway when i was saying bye and have a safe trip to my mum, i swear tears almost filled my eyes! Just that i couldn't bring myself to cry. its only like an hour ago, and i miss my mum so damn much now :( even though she scolds me and gets pretty annoying at times, but i love my mum so damn much. Its gonna be about 2 weeks till i see her again, like only after the chalet days. :( :( :( boo.
Don't worry about this heart of mine
Just, take your love and hit the road
Cause nothing you can do or say
You're gonna break my heart anyway
So just leave the pieces when you go
Now you can drag out the heartache
Baby you can make it quick
You can get it over with and let me move on
Don't concern yourself with this mess you left for me
I can clean it up you see
Just as long as your gone
10:48 PM
Sunday, August 20, 2006
three cheers for sweet revenge
I can't even simply sit down for just 2hours to read finish kiss the dust and i've got to sit for lit test tmrw and i don't know my 10 chapters well enough for a fact. Took a straight bus down to downtown to meet jia, shaz and mandy yesterday. The ride was 1hour long, and i swear my ass was numb when i stood up. Now now friday was a i-kinda-forgot-what-happen-on-friday, like i was saying my brain chooses what to forget and what to remember, and i choose to forget i guess. But 'twas a good and not so good day, lit was pure boring, and i kind of manage to summarise, observe and realise something. (I just realise that i blogged a draft on friday) Last term test ends on tues which was supposedly to end on friday, now another 2 more days to go but 2 more weeks to the sept hols. I've finally sat down and watch part of season1 laguna beach. and stephen coletti(<3) is like whoo, dahh Sex with a captial S.
I should go read kiss the dust now, which mfucking suck balls and so gawd damn bloody boring. and since chp1 till now i've no shit idea what is going on, kill me
move bitch get out of the way
6:03 PM
Monday, August 14, 2006
beyond the valley of the murderdolls

speakerboxx; the love below.
been on the phone with jia and mandy. studying bio and planning the chalet stuffs. schedule's really tight till after the sept hols. then down to mugging for eoys, like ohmahgahhh how am i going to squeeze so many chapters in that few weaks. the hols plans would be a motivation for me to mug hard and do well. thy've got bad time management, like really bad. someone give me a workshop on that yo. camwhoring in class today.
Cause everybody tries to put some love on the line
And everybody feels a broken heart sometimes
10:05 PM
Saturday, August 12, 2006
fraplovedotblogspotdotcom says:
yaye. you know i love you ♥
dittooo i love you too :) i miss shopping and gobbling down sushi and california rolls with you at sakae sushi♥ we will do that soon okay? ive sakae sushi voucher babyyyyy ;) haha and im not sharing with you. all mine all mine yay!
too late to fight, it ends tonight.. omg i love the all-american rejects! anyhow, we have to catch up soon its been long.
with all my love,
7:35 PM
Friday, August 11, 2006
skipping beats, flashing jeeps
in jia's house now and we've done a new video again, but we're gonna do more. go check it out if you know my youtube user :p haha and we're gonna do more yaye. webcam with tohyy just now haha super funny. okay i'll update tonight when i get home and if i don't feel sleepy. have a great friday, everyone :)
Oh why'd you have to be so cute
It's impossible to ignore you
Must you make me laugh so much
It's bad enough we get along so well
Say goodnight and go
One of these days
You'll miss your train, and come stay with me
It's always say goodnight and go
We'll have drinks and talk about things
And any excuse to stay awake with you
You'd sleep here, i'd sleep there
But then the heating may be down again
At my convenience
We'd be good, we'd be great together
Why is it always, always
( goodnight and go )
4:28 PM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
but true love burns for a thousand years
No matter where you go
They'll fucking tie you down
And bleed you from your wrists (bleed you from your wrists)
Well, it's better that we leave
Leave it this way (leave it this way)
And just to soften the blow
I'll steal all of your kisses (your kisses)
And sew them up
In the creases of our hearts.
I never really loved you anyway
And i'm the one thing you betted on
Don't ever let them take you down.
( kiss and make up )
2:18 PM
Monday, August 07, 2006
your kisses and your sweet romancing
5 words, schl was amazingly fun today. i shall learn more songs and jia better learn how to be twohill properly! we are gonna be famous really soon :)

10:08 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
the quivering liquids in your stomach
its like the offical common tests weeks alry, and boo i have not even studied a bit except maybe math and a tad bit of chem. omg i love you yuqi♥, for burning laguna beach for me :) and if my friend and i don't mind paying for the national day tix. haha! anyway someone CHEN SIJIA (just one sentence and i must enlarge her name like shes some big shot. so idiot right!? haha) told me that __ is a communist schl haha super funny and i remember who told me. anyways my mum says that i've low sugar level and the sugar intake in my body is not balanced and that explains why i'm feeling tired no matter how early i sleep. and she says that i might get diabetes(?) at early age. is diabetes scary? i think it is right, they said your limbs or whatever shit can get choppd off. okay eeeewww thats sick. i'll stop drinking my dear chrysantimum tea(<3)
oh and i still can't find my eraser. to the one who stole it, damn go buy your own eraser babe! i found my eraser!!!!!!!!! YAYE :D but babes, next time go buy your own erasers okay? don't steal them. cuz i always lose them due to i don't know what, love.
I got your letter from the postman just the other day
So i decided to write you this song
Just to let you know
Exactly the way i feel
To let you know my love is for real
If you should feel that i don't really care
And that you're starting to loose ground
Just let me reassure you
That you can count on me
And that i'll always be around
Because I love you
My heart is an open door
3 weeks to the sept hols :D
and only 2 days of schl this week, its gonna past fast yo!
2:30 PM
Thursday, August 03, 2006
i miss our midnight rides on highway 18, 18 is gone
i really want to stop feeling like i'm acting in a drama serial show, seriously it sucks. but noooo, you don't understand. i really feel like whatever that is happening now is a dream. and again, noooo you don't understand. complicated issues that only I understand, which i still don't really want you to be like this all. cuz it sucks having that same old stupid feeling you know. okay you don't, you really don't. this is so stupid omg.
eunice, demelza, jasmine and i had a awesome time during lit today in the theatrette. we went damn high imitating the stupid idol contestants and i had the most fun singing wannabe by spice girls. and eunice trying to imitate afghanistanist, wah shit damn funny. i swear it was fucking hilarious. i laughed until i cried, that funny. seetoh's so funnny, she said next time when i want to run and jump on her i should tell her beforehand. so funnny really, but sorry if i almost strangled you to deathe haha. Ohoh,i almost got strangled to death by kim when she tried jumping up to my back. (qouted frm seet oh's blog!) but don't you all love my hugs, awww shhhhwwweeettt :D haha i don't know, but somehow i feel the class, okay fine the noisier side seems closer after all this kurara chibana stuffs! lovelove<3. oh i've been really addicted to this song. the song's really good and the lyrics is like pretty. and stupid chewygummy just couldn't let me feel cool for 1 sec. i know the song's old, but just shut up haha! and thanks everyone for doing the quiz at the bottom, love.
don't look back in anger by oasis, good song i must say :)
Slip inside the eye of your mind
Don't you know you might find
A better place to play
You said that you'd never been
But all the things that you've seen
Will slowly fade away
So i start a revolution from my bed
Cos you said the brains i had went to my head
Step outside the summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out
And so Sally can wait, she knows it's too late as we're walking on by
Her soul slides away, but don't look back in anger
I heard you say
At least not today
7:57 PM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
one last phone call from you, it wouldn't hurt much
yaye do this survery now please. copy and paste it into my haloscan/comments which is top link under the links section! thank you :D
I committed suicide:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I lived next door to you:
I stole something:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got into a fight and you weren't there:
[1] Who are you?
[2] Are we friends?
[3] When and how did we meet?
[4] How have I affected you?
[5] What do you think of me?
[6] What's the fondest memory you have of me?
[7] How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
[8] Do you love me?
[9] Have I ever hurt you?
[10] Would you hug me?
[11] Would you kiss me?
[12] Would you fuck me?
[13] Are we close?
[14] Emotionally, what stands out?
[15] Do you wish I was cooler?
[16] On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
[17] Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
[18] Am I loveable?
[19] How long have you known me?
[20] Describe me in one word.
[21] What was your first impression?
[22] Do you still think that way about me now?
[23] What do you think my weakness is?
[24] Do you think I'll get married?
[25] What about me makes you happy?
[26] What about me makes you sad?
[27] What reminds you of me?
[28] What's something you would change about me?
[29] How well do you know me?
[30] Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
[31] Do you think I would kill someone?
[32] Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
10:46 PM