Tuesday, October 31, 2006
now it finally hits me that most of my close friends in class are gna be separated from me next year. nonono why.. :( sec3's like the most wonderful year i had since i step in pl. im seriously starting to miss it so much. i know im lagging behind this but i'll just do a few shoutouts to those few friends whom aren't gna be in the same class as me next year, and the rest like when the year is nearing the end. that fucking sucks so much, i really don't want the year to come to an end!!!! next year's gna be so different like what mandy said. memories, is only what we left now. :( im sorry but this thing only hits me like Now, this very moment. i then realise how much how much i miss everyone. how much everyone means to me. how much i didn't treasure the year. so i guess whatever that has happen, partly was my fault. yes now I apologise. I'm Sorry.
IM MISSING HAPPY DIM SUMS SO MUCH. IM GNA MISS THIS YEAR SO MUCH TOO. THIS YEAR PASSED WAY TOO FAST. URGH THAT TOTALLY SUCKS. i never treasure things but only when they're gone i start to miss them. so stupppppppppp. AIYAH BUT WHY. WHY. WHY DOES ALL GOOD THINGS HAVE TO COME TO AN END :( something new for me to ponder on. why..............
happy dim sumS
hahaha i think our class is such a happy class. and giving happy dim sumS sounds so cool right right right? Haha. anyway eventho half the time im only mingling with the noisy side of the class but each and every of you in class are Special and different in many ways just like what mrs han said. and knowing so many new friends this year made 2006 such a special year. plus i'll miss tapping on ang hui leng's shoulder! haha and the stupid hand shake before exams. everything we do, we do as a class. class chalet, music marathon, whoopsay i cant really remember anymore. but music marathon was really really fun. class chalet's amazing race was double funny haha. and class bbq was really cool. eventho smarty pants angeline sat the pit on fire, how smart. but awwww this class will be etched in my memory(aiyo so sappy) cuz if it weren't for any of you, this year wouldn't be a blast! so thank you dim sumS, one love.
JIAAAAAAA :( i'm gna miss you so damn fucking much. okay thats how much im going to miss you okay. eventho i only became close to you like after what, uhhh music marathon? Yes. but still those times were one of the best yo. i swear im going to miss camwhoring with you and making videos with you. i can't sit with you next year and our distilled water anymore. but next year we'll still stay close and all okay. thank you for everything this year, esp the times during the chalet party. thank you very very much. you've been the wonderfullest friend ever. zomg sijiaaaaaaa :( no more sharing of our husbands alr. no more gossipings in class, and discussing about our future boyfriends. hahaha. our shoppings for bras. the stupid sentosa times haha. the times when you cheered me up during the results time. thank you. our endless shopping trips to vivo. the korean dramas. man i had a really good time with you eventho like the time we were so close was so short. but still, i treasured them the most!! tho i really wish you could be in class next year, but no more :( :( :( i love you so much babe. 2 months, we'll spend it really well okay. sa rang hae yo! hugs :DD
mandy wandy pandy! im gna miss the suanings lah eventho sometimes they're so damn mean. but its okay. hahahah. our stupid camp fever!!!! haha and the high schl musical craze. haha aiyo.. and thanks for this whole year, really. its been really good with You around. im definetly gng to miss your craziness, lunches, crazy things we do, instant noodles at jia's house. ahhh im going to miss you. eventho you always complain that im so whiny and all. and the times i always get woken during lessons cuz i fall asleep. the planning of the class chalet, so many things. the times you always come over. hahaha. the things we go crazy over. i can't wait for my birthday to come yay. then it'll be a last time of great fun till like after the o's. im going to misss you a whole lot, mandy. one love yo.
fangsy. fangsypoo. fangsyppooooyyyyypokkkkk :(((((((((((((((((( you're gna skip as well now. fineeeeee. =( im going to miss you so damn much fangs. no more huggings in the morning. no more laughings in the lab. no more partner during the assembly. FANGSYYYYYYY =( eventho its really short. but you know i'll miss you so much. fangs. fangs. fangs. no more camwhoring, no more hugs hugs hugs. i love you fangs :D
hey this year's been pretty rough i guess. and i don't really know what ive to say in this shoutout. but definetly since you are part of the class so for sure im going to miss you too. i guess we've never actually really treasured each other's exsistence in class besides the point when we were really close during the starting of the year. shopping and all sorts. well the class's gna be separated, sooooooo.. do study hard next year. take care. love.
hmmm i actually don't really know you. i only starting growing close to you this year and well i can say its only half a year that we were close? or till only term3. and i think we had a lot of some bad stuffs going on. oh wells, what is done cant be undone. so congrats on your good results. im sure you'll do well next year too. continue to strive for the best yea? take care. love.
serena & joyce
you guys are da best of the class yo. not only do you all discipline the class, but always catching me too :( but its okay. no grudges! hahaha. you guys made this class a such a perfect one. eventho sometimes it gets really strict and stuffs but we know its for our own good. you 2 smarty pants, make such great partners. thanks for everything you've done for the class. and serena for being such a cool prefect of the class. & joyce for being such a responsible monitress. (lemme me monitress nxt yr, maybe i can gain 1 point. whhiiieee.. just kiddingggg :D)
ex kkps
hey the first term and second was really great with each one of you.
tho there was some misunderstandings around and stuffs like that, but still its still a memory that i'll always keep. whatever it is, I apologise for everything that has happen. i guess partly its my fault. so I'm Sorry. hope you guys bear no grudges against me. I'm Sorry eunice for saying what i said about you that day. i guess it didn't really hit me hard at that moment. i tried, i really tried to run away from this separation thing, but i couldn't. but i guess this has finally hit me hard enough. well what can i say? Its already coming the end of the year. we're all broken into small groups. thank you for all the wonderful memories you all have given. the times at jasmine's, the indoor bbq at my house. Thank You so much. & have a enjoyable holiday.
one love, babes :)
chiochio armani
you guys are real fun people. tho i dont even hang out with any of you, but srlys you guys are really cool and kyyyoooottttee people. congrats on your decision, and im sure that you guys are gna score so well. take care! and see yaaaaaa Sexies.
12:52 AM
Sunday, October 29, 2006
happy happy dim sumS :D

i'm gna miiiiIIissSSSsS yOooOOooou sOoOOOOoooo much jia :(
1:27 PM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
call my monkey mimi :D
7:20 PM
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
you got my temperature rising like el-nin-yo! :D
that song's so addictive! like Drugs, hahahahahaha x 1000.
2006 is going to end in i don't know how many days. zomg this year is like such a good year, i don't want it to end. But oh wells all good things come to an end eh? i'm sure gna miss this year so damn much )': one of the bestest year. i'll save the shoutouts for 31st dec. booness, this year was the fastest. nevermind! monkey do monkey say, monnkkkeeeeyyyy!!!!!
I never dreamt it'd be this way
I lost any chance for me to say
To say that I miss you, say that I love you
Will someone please tell me I'm okay
I wasn't prepared for what's to come
A life made of memories gone so young
And now I'm regretting all I've done
But in your heart know that I'm with you all along
Wherever you go, I will be waiting
Whenever you call, I will be there
Whatever it takes, I'll make your darkest days so bright
I'm in your heart tonight
Who sat through nights
You held me tight
And made sure I'm okay
And I thank you for the love you gave to me
10:12 PM
Monday, October 23, 2006
i love you very much too (:
9:15 PM
Sunday, October 22, 2006
okay lets talk about friday. since its such a memorable day so i decided i shall blog about it. went over to jia's house after schl. then met gabriel at serangoon mrt to get back my camera then off to the dentist. i've such cool clean teeth now. whhhiiiieeee.. then after i bathe and jia tried playing icy towers on my com. she kept screaming oh my god haha. then we took a train to vivo city(!!!!) and we shop. and this time we really did shop. i got my topshop top, i'm still searching for the other colour. then got a new bra for forever21, damn pretty. hahah and i'm gng there to get more. plus they're so damn cheap. and i'm gna get a sunglass from there too. and new tops. zomg forever21 there is so nice okay. then jiajian joined us and then went for dinner at some yucky place. i had stomachache the whole entire night lah! then we cab to bugis to shop a bit more.
then went to Gas Haus for gabriel's gig. that place was so damn freaky. the moment i was near there, my stomache started having butterflies. like seriously i needed a toilet at that point of time. then jia and i went in and i swear i started feeeling so scared. everyone there looked so scary, so emo. i felt like killing myself at that time. my legs felt so weak, i tell you. its gna be my first and last time gng to a gig at there or wherever. the songs were like screamo. i wanted to scream & cry and run away. and the people moshing were like so damn scary. they were like killing each other. zomg jia and i were like praying and hoping we know someone there or uhhh morgan could come! but damn we were not so lucky. so we walked in and out like a lot of times and finally their band played. and thats when we found a super comfy sofa. we sat there and was almost half asleep. then after it was over we finally left that freaky spooky place. i swear it freaks it me totally. never felt so scared in my life! so shengyi, yong sheng, gabriel, jia and i left to burger king. hahaha. we sat there for a while, then we decided to go to east coast. so we were trying to hail a cab, but no one allowed 5 seaters. soooooo we walked to i can't remember what hotel to wait for a cab. and we took the maxi cab! but shengyi had to leave ): so we maxi cab to east coast. hahaha and then we just rot there and laugh and talk. and ended up in macs, eating and talking and playing with food. but some stuffs happen and i got so fucking pissed. but whatever lah. anyways we were uhhh suaning yong sheng half the time, it was so funnny. and we played the spinning game. and the way yong sheng run was bloody hilarious.
then shengyi called and we talk to him for quite some time and then finally decided to go to his house. soooooo we cabbed over there. and then cos of some stupid accident shit there were police check. so they took down our names and ya blah blah blah. i got so scared after that. but whatever! then we got to shengyi's condo. we sat at his swimming pool talking and laughing. then after a while later, i fell asleep. then i woke up stretch around, and i was hallucinating! HAHA. cos i thought shengyi left (which was true) but i didn't know he came back again. nevermind, then i fell asleep again. then i woke up holding my slipper. shut up its not funny!!!!! i had no idea what was going on. then jia ran around the pool like some crazy girl. then shengyi left to get us biscuits but ended up sleeping. so we left to macs @kallang. ate gross breakfast, then bus home. and shengyi's like my far neighbour! it takes me only 15mins bus home. how coooool :D anyhows got home around 7 plus, then i went to shit and bath then slept till 330pm. a damn good sleep! i needed it so much. shengyi's condo swimming pool was so tempting. but i was wearing white shorts, plus i had no extra clothes. sooo too bad. and they woke me up to go eat breakfast and i got so pissed and grumpy and annoyed. and they made me wait for them to take pictures and all that shit. tsk!!!!!!! ANYHOWS IT WAS A DAMN FUN NIGHT WITH EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM<3 :D
this post is sooooooo long. but anyway, stuffs was solved last night or rather this morning! i can't believe i cried )': it was so scary and all. i'm really sorry for everything. but its all over! so time to be happy hahaha. i hope the trip with bestest is confirm! i can't wait to goooo.. :) whhiiieeee. ciao!
1:31 PM
Friday, October 20, 2006
you slept. :D
now you owe me a meal.
12:58 AM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
from heart and soul to paper and pen
congratulations 3d2 for promos, cos cos cos our whole class has promoted. so its a really good thing, so yay! :) thank you everyone who were there for me during the results and all. esp jia, seetoh, lauren, nerissa, janice ng, mandy, fangs, serena & my other wonderful friends who consoled me when i cried and all. & of course a big thank you to mr eng. who has been talking to me and consoling me. giving me talks after talks telling me to relax and all. and teaching me how to study hard for next year and all the pointers to look out for. thank you. thank you everyone so so much, love.
sooooooo anywayyyyy. conference with jia, morgan, and 3 other guys last night til 11pm. then conference with gabriel and marianne, then jia joined in! then i talked to jia till like 1 plus am. then i talked to bestest till like 2 plus am. no wonder i was so tired today that i actually fell asleep on the chair during lifeskill course. i was so damn sleepy. and eventho hes voice was as loud as a loud hailer, i still could sleep. it got pretty boring anyway so yea. and me and jia are uh originality people unlike others who only know how to copy copy copy! so pirated eeyer. went to catch Rob-b-hood with jia, mandy, morgan, john and jiajian(?) at the new cathay. hahaha. omg it was so damn funny. mandy and i just started laughing so damn loudly during one part of the movie, we just couldn't stop laughing. hahaha! and i was so damn urgent cos i drank too much esprit drink. and i learn a new game today, wheres my llama! HAHAHA. its soooooo funnny. i couldn't stop laughing! but its so fun! hahaha. so monday's gna be mass class ponning again. and i'm too lazy to blog now. i shall go and learn my skills to be a female master hahaha for magic tricks. good day everyone! :D
7:26 PM
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
And this week the trend
was to backstab every single one of my friends
and leave a voicemail message trying to make amends
all the while hoping things work out in the end
Funny ah today, almost half the class didn't go schl today. but i'm so damn glad that i went. its such a relieve zomg. but i'm still having like a mixture of feelings. but i'm just gna do the rest like when it is confirm confirm. cos i don't wanna feel overly happy Yet. anyhows i love each and everyone of you who were there for me during the results. namely you, jia, nerissa, seetoh, fangs, mandy, serena, lauren, janice ng. thats the people who i can only remember all out to you guys, love love :)
met gabriel, shengyi and yong sheng after schl today. went to peninsular plaza for the first ever time in my life. and zomg there is this damn cool magic shop. i'm gna get like something from there the next time i get there and i hope its like sometime this week. and i can learn and do magic tricks! its so cool and i'm so amused at it! its so so so cool okay. shit i'm really damn amused by it! magics are cooooooool stuff. and we walked around the whole place, so i know peninsular plaza in and out by now. whhhiiieee and the only reason why i'd go there for its the fucking cool magic shop. then we went to funan to eat chicken rice at food court. yummy! and from now i'm gna go on this major vegetarian diet. hahaha and subway is gna be the only fast food i'm eating. i'm gna make sure that i lose at least 2kg by the end of this year! whhhiiieeee. swimming, running, sit ups, dieting and everything! okay goal number one. yes! i'm soooo gna achieve that. anyway rob-b-hood with jia, morgan and don't know who else tmrw at the new cathay. and friday jia and i are gna go vivo city(!!!!!!!!!!!) yay so its like shopping shopping shopping for our pretty dresses and finally i hope to get my topshop tops. then stayover! and i've got pretty dental appointment in the afternoon. well apparently i'm having swollen gums at the side and it bleeds and hurts when i brush my teeth. sooooooooo..... i'm gna visit mr dentist. and i'm on a very big budget for my phone bill now, sweet. i've not actually done that for quite a long time. it feels good actually. less scolding every 16th of the month too. thank you everyone who have been there for me once again! i thank each and everyone of you so much. hugs
7 more days, baby! :D
7:00 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
you're dying to look smooth with your tattoos

so this is what we've been doing the whole day. camwhore! hahaha zomg. & multi burst is like so cool whhiiiee. it is the new shit! okay. 99 pictures uploaded, finally. okay results tmrw, omfg. i'm so gna die for maths and maybe chinese >:( ! and hopefully Not english.

7:41 PM

this is so damn sex (!!!!)

7:38 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006
broken hearts and concrete floors
pardon me for the previous post. but its really good to have a motivational post once in a while. didn't you feel a little motivated about life? Haha i'm sure you did :D anyhows today was a fun filled today. but its really horrifying to know that results are gna be out on 11th & 12th. it really scares me to realise how time flies wow! jia and i went to explore sunny singapore's famous tourist place today which is, sentosa! hahaha. actually we went to vivo city(!!!) to check it out. zomg the place is so Sex! its a place you should not miss. its so damn big, and plus they have like almost everything you want there. jia and i almost got lost there cos its really too big alr. but theres like candy empire, golden village, and lots and lots of food places! like uh bens & jerrys, sushi tei(!!), carls jr uh and alot alot more. so we went around to find my shades and i go one from aldo(!?). yea really pretty. then we caught john tucker and the movies uh, quite okay. i mean its like quite sweet, quite sad, quite funny & quite stupid. moreover we had some ?! schl people sitting next to us which seemed like it was their first time in a theatre. they were so fucking noisy like hoo-haing at everything, snaping pictures with their phone and asking so many questions!
then smart jia and i decided to cable car to wonderful sentosa. which cost xxx price, figure it. hahaha then we walked around and we really seemed like tourist cos cos cos we had no idea where was where! and everywhere you wanted to go, you have to pay 10bucks for entrance fee. only maybe for the beaches damn it. so we took trams and buses to like everywhere. and then we stop at siloso beach and thats where we started walking and thats when the sun was sorching hot. and our bens and jerrys melted so fast, cos of the stupid heat. mango and lime sorbet is really :D yum yum. so we walked till some stop where we thought we could take a tram to palawan. so we waited...... waited..... and finally we got on the tram. then we got to 711 to get food and drinks! whhhiiieeee then we walked around palawan blah blah then bused back to the place we first started. then we cable car back again! zomg it was so so fun fun fun! tho the weather was ew. but anyhows i had like the funnest time of my life with jia! & there'll be more to come! woohoo. and our very cool slogan... yes! >.< :D hahaha. okay time to upload pictures! yay.
oh and to You! don't be scared okay? :) smmiiiilllleeeeeee. i know you'll do just fine & you won't fail it at all. have faith in yourself please. well if I have faith in you, so should you. and just to let you know, you'll always be kept in my prayers!<3
suga suga how you get so fly
8:39 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
theres a good reason to these tables
had some conversation with my parents over dinner today about life & everything, its so good. like one of the best conversation we ever had over dinner :)
you know, you come to realise that life's so short, yes that short. & you never know whats gna happen tomorrow, a few hours later, few minutes later, or even so a few seconds later. so we should treasure every second of our lives, and even so what we have now. shouldn't we at least be thankful for what is given to us now? eventho it might be a bad thing, but think it over. theres always a reason behind everything that happens, even for a good thing. whats life without obstacles right? whose life would be so good that everything goes all so smooth sailing. for what you know, problems actually get you to be someone stronger. if you haven't gone through any obstacles in life, you'll never know what is it like to get involve in a problem. but whatever it is, be it a bad or good thing. just be content with what You have. why make life so miserable when its already short enough. so why not just do something good for yourself right? damn it, maybe you might get into an accident or something fatal tomorrow, you'd never know right?
sometimes you think that you have so much time to repent for your mistakes, and do what is right. but as the years pass you by, you realise that life isn't as wonderful, and as easy as you think. infact being in this place can be such a miserable, hard, and sorrowful feeling. it may seem as if everything comes by so easy, but no. problems tend to lead to misery and hurt at times. and showing it doesn't really help. well cos maybe it reflects you as someone trying to exaggerate problems, or even so trying to gain sympathy out of people. its like all time favourite. but hey, why not try being in that person's shoe. why would you always like to jump to conclusion and not realise why is he/she feeling that way. thats the point you're speaking about. because of all those fucking jumping into conclusions, makes a small little matter become such a big one. and thats what has been happening for the year. and all those becomes hurt and hatred, and therefore makes out what has been happening from day one till now. forgiving is one thing, but forgetting is another. maybe that explains all those past cold waring situations and hatreds. but well you've put it behind you, and maybe sorry for what it has become. life really does have lots of rocks for you. well maybe its the way you solve them. perhaps you're so fucking sick and tired of everything that was going on, but its not as if it'll put a stop to all these stupid endings. & don't try to avoid it, cos it's always like this bug that never leaves you alone.
Make sense?
(by the way, this post does Not refer to anyone at all.)
9:17 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
bend your arms to look like wings
kim's at her aunt's house just as I am typing out this post.
and all she does at her aunt's house is eat,
watch movie and talking to me on the phone? haha.
and she have yet to reply my email and testimonial!
lazy bum! pssh.
gabrieeellll <3
7:30 PM
my fingers are getting really itchy so i really have gotta say this. Yes! (with the widest smile ever) eoys are over! :D whhhiieeeee. i've been waiting this whole year for this day to come. woohoo! & to those Still having exams haha, don't worry its gna be over really soon really really soon tee hee.
12:25 PM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
nails for breakfast and tacks for snacks
Emaths paper2 was fucked full stop. its like the first paper i cried over, zomg. maths paper2 was fucking fucked up. i'm gna study so hard for bio, and pgeog paper1. omg i'm still so pissed over my maths!!!!!! i still can't believe it was so hard ): watch me fail maths, im so gna die. and results next weds and thurs ugh. so i'm gna enjoy in worry for like 5 days.
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............................................. >:(
why must i have no fucking maid at this moment now. so while everyone can party & celebrate tomorrow, i've to fucking be home by fucking 4 fucking 30pm. cause why, cos there won't be any fucking one at home. and all those shit fuck rubbish that if some fucked up woman brings the bloody maid, no one will be home. so yet Me again, have to be home. bitchhhhh, why can't you be home instead. the maid's like your fucking duty, so not mine. fucking bitch. its so pissssingggg zomg. i swear today's like some fucked up day, damn it. so it'll be one day lesser to fucking enjoy. nooooooooooo.. i gotta spend those 5 days fucking wisely omg. i still don't understand............ why can't You be home. why why why why why. fucker.
1:36 PM
Monday, October 02, 2006
number five with a bullet
finally find, You and I collide
'suppppp accounts is over, finally. but the paper was like fucked zomg. accounts totally suck balls, i swear if i do pass i'll be so damn happy. thats If, but i know i wouldn't! oh wells whatever its over. home with mandy and seeetohhy! haha i hope seetoh had a nice long 1 over hour bus ride, tee hee. 5 more papers to go in 4 days. chinese will end at 10 tmrw so its gna be really fast. then soon it'll be friday! then it'll be the weekends again. and and this time the weekends are gna be so sex cos why, there are no more exams to worry about alr. i can start going out shopping(<3), staying out late and everything again! its been so long since i've uh gone out eh nononono, since i've actually really gone out happily without worrying whether i've studied. ahh can't wait can't wait. sounds way to exciting :D eh maple (i hope you read this) why doesn't my link have a <3. my stupid sakura bitch or whatever its called. you better call me up soon okay cos you got to tell me more about hehehe, love you bitch! okay im gna finish up learning chi then tonight i can rest, listen to my bedtime story which you forgot last night, and favourite song :) tee hee.
4:12 PM