Monday, February 26, 2007
shake shake just shake shake
I saw you with your new girl just yesterday and I feel that I must confess. Even though it kills me to have to say, I'll admit that I was impressed. I guess I'd call it show of affection, gotta commend you on your selection. Though I know I shouldn't be concerned, in the back of my mind I can't help but question.
I can't explain this feeling, I think about it everyday. And even though we've moved on, it gets so hard to walk away. I'm gonna remember you, you're gonna remember me. Walk away, I can't forget how we used to be.
I guess I have to live my life from day to day, hoping maybe you'll come back. I know I tell myself not to be afraid to move on, but it seems I can't. Though my new man is giving me attention, but it ain't the same as your affection. I know that I should be content, in the back of my mind I can't help but question.
Does he kiss me on my forehead before we lay, show up on my doorstep with a bouquet? Does he feel me in the middle of the day, just to say baby I love you like you used to.
I'm gonna remember you, you're gonna remember me. The things we did, the way we share our fantasies, just you and me, my friend, my love, my family. How did we lose the love that was meant to be? Sometimes I kiss her, wish that it was you that I'm kissing, sometimes I miss him, wish that it was you that I'm missing, sometimes I hug her, wish that it was you that I'm hugging. And I realize how much I'm bugging, I miss you
So how do I express this feeling, cause nobody compares to you. And you know that she'll never love you like I do.
I'm gonna remember you, you're gonna remember me
(This song's sooo fucking sweet. thanks my favourite bitch♥)
Cts are finally over! But like what mrs w said, its just the beginning so go home and practice more ten years series. During break ping and i started our singing thing again, we couldn't stop singing ms new booooty and my boo. It was hilarious, but nerissa got so pissed cos she was trying to study. I'm sooo gonna flunk my bio so bad, well i've never actually pass so wth. If i pass my bio, i'll treat everyone i know to eat xlbs. Cos it'll be the second miracle, just like accounts.
Jkoh's house after sch with lauren, demelza, serene, angeline and eunice and jng came later to supposedly plan the party but as usual, we ended up playing, screaming, and gossiping. Whats new? Hahaha. Played toma and jng and serene danced for us (like five seconds haha) omg, jng jerk so hot pls. (You're only gonna hear that once or jng's head is gonna grow so damn bloody big) and i think i better stop growing fatter or you're gonna see a blob of fats dancing instead, eeeeew thats sick. I'm getting super excited for marchparty now. "I never" sounds like its gonna be reallly fun, and i promise there won't be any drama shows by me really really. So don't be mean and bet that i'll get wasted now, save all ya money k hahaha. So far the planning has be reallly good so ya'll invited bettter come i tell you! Wooohoo partttttteeehhhhh :)
8:30 PM
Saturday, February 24, 2007
It ends tonight Hello blogger, i decided to delete my previous post for some reason. Anyway had a really good talk with kheng while walking to the mrt after tuition yesterday. You're dah best kheng! Thanks for knocking some sense into my brains and giving me a mini lecture tho everyone has been telling me the same thing but its quite hard to get that sense into me. But i think i just miss you way too much.
Anyway i think i'm the bomb yo. I tried my best doing the accounts paper yesterday but i really didn't know so i just wrote whatever that was there for me, and sure get two pathetic marks for writing the titles. And the test lasted for an hour, jkoh and i took only fifteen minutes to do the paper and slept for the rest of the fortyfive minutes. We even gave each other permission to sleep. We're the best, really the best of all. I really think i inherited my parents genes for accounts. And i was so damn tired the whole day in schl and jia or was it jng aiya whoever, hit the right spot with one sentence: Cos i think you keep _. Yes i totally agree!
Trained down to meet the group after tuition, and as usual i was late. But because the roads were close for chingay rehersals i had to take the longer way to dhouby mrt. Met up demelza, jkoh, jng, serene and ping. The world is sooo small hahaha. Played pool at cine and i had to leave after one game so i missed lauren and eunice. I think all of us are the biggest gossipers around. But anyway had lotsa fun with you guys tho the time was pretty short! :)
Was just on the phone with bob and he had to give me another lecture session again. Anyway happy one day late sweet sixteen brendon. and happy birthday dad! I forgot to do some reflecting last night and i fell asleep really early, so i've gotta do them tonight. And prolly i can knock some sense into my brains and realise how silly and stupid i've been. Oh yesss i've been really addicted to rompe and toma again. And i think i'd love anyone who dances to any both cos its gonna be teh sex! I just realise that every morning we will all sure sit down and gossip or talk about something cos i've something to say everyday hahah k not funny. I think i really don't understand something. All of us conclude that theres only 3 main points/reasons whatever, but they just kinda don't fit somehow. Its so complicating and confooosing so i'm just not going to bother about it anymore so byeeee
12:02 PM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I see you winding grinding up on that pole
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to and end?
I'm home very early today cos schl ended at one and is gonna to last till monday! :) scared everyone this morning by coming to sch, stoned for a second, screamed and almost threw my paper to ping's face hahaha sorry and then broke down. Break was quite good. I kinda relate to alot of songs now i realised oh wells. Cts are like sitting for exams now where we have to put our phones on the floor and all bags outside. It srsly feels like exams, unlike the good old days. Wenta get my new earphones for my zen cos it died on me last night, and i swear the bass boost is so damn awesome! Yay now it feels so much better listening to moosic
So eventho cts are still in the midst, jkoh and i have planned very well alot of things alr. Gonna gamble again tmr hahaha, and prolly playing pool with the usual babes! Had a very nice long planning session with the rest, very exciting and then obviously digress to other things and start gossiping again. I can't wait for after cts now! Talked to alexsopretty after so long, and his gonna play a mahjong session :D hahaha yay now i can't wait for march holidayssss! Dance, party, drink, get drunk, be merry and be a bitch.
Oh thank you those who cheered me up so much last night, i really appreciate it. thanks for the smses, phone calls and ims :) thank you bob for talking to me for one over hour trying to make me laugh, yes you know i get amuse easily and obviously making me cry(forever) as well. And i'm still the soul survivor in the emo kiddo club. Thanks seetoh for helping me with you-know-what, it really made me feel much better. Thank you nerissa mah favourite bitch for that really sweet msg and thanks for every single thing and obviously always listening to me rant, thank you. Thanks jkoh for calling and talking, really felt much better. Thank you alexsopretty for telling me your stories, and telling me that you'll be there! Thanks lauren for that im it was really touching. Thanks thomas the emo kiddo for telling me sensible words. Thank you everyone for picking up my call and hear me whine and cry, so stupid right? thanks for telling me not to do anything stupid (i won't) and thanks being such wonderful friends today. I really feel much better now. One love<3
I'm sleepy. Gotta sleep so that i can stay up to study for maths and fucked up accounts.
(edit) Had a hilarious convo with lauren and jkoh just now. I almost roll of the chair, as usual gossiping la. We thought that _ was gonna turn out someone really hot, skinny and tann and sexy. Uhhhh yes hahaha you know what i mean. Then i think i'm mood swinging alot. But thanks ya'll for telling me that both of you will be there! (: i think im hating accounts so much that its just going to make me sink deeper into depression :( accounts is totally killing me soo damn bad. I don't even know what are we tested tmr, best pls. Plus i didn't do the assignment on this test, so i really have no idea how am i suppose to do this. Shoot me pls :( (edit)
3:38 PM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
i could sing of your love forever
Post cny syndrome.
All of us are still in the gambling mood, soooo in the cny mood that we're planning another gambling session this weekend again. Couldn't stop talking about how exciting our blackjack and in between game was yesterday. One thing, i'll never wanna be banker ever again. My money just flies away like that, just within a snap and ten bucks just flies away. wanted to play indian poker, so played one pathetic round and unfortunately it wouldn't be fun cos we couldn't drink as we had schl today ah stuuuuupid. Tricking ping was teh bomb! She didn't realise that i put hundred monopoly money inside her hong bao until she got home hahah sucka, i kid. She was the joker cos she kept losing and obviously she kept saying that thank god she had my mums hong bao to keep her alive. And we couldn't stop giggling yet she couldn't figure. Oh wells she killed me in schl today! Sorry ping, but when you left my mum gave out hong baos ;D but gambling with those girls are really fun, well they make it fun. And eventho is so damn bloody loud noisy and rough, its really fun playing with them. Love all you babes and dudes who made my cny a much happier and fun one, you all are the bomb yo! :D
Well going back to schl today was torture, for me at least. On the phone with mah bitch till about 12 plus then i did some reflection (yes I did reflection) before i slept. I even wrote two pages long. Almost overslept this morning, dragged myself to schl with droopy eyes and fucking gross blister on my heel. was picked at half the time during english today, i was totally distracted. I was so damn bloody tired and plus half the time i was just freaking my ass off. Then recess where i practically just broke down when gurleeen and i were talking, and ping, jchan and i were singing songs totally relating to me. But thanks to ping for telling me that you'll always be there to hug me, gurleeen, eunice, fangs, mandy, jia, rachel yee, seetoh, carina, jchan and sorry if i missed out your name. But you know i really appreciate it. thank you very muchoos babes :) had chapel was really cheered up, so just laughed and chitchat gossip the whole entire time. Geog was totally a drag, time was passing so slowly, and half the time i was freezing my butt in the room. My nose was being sucha bitch. Met bob after schl and todays a really emo kiddos day! And my zen just couldn't stop playing emo songs after songs. I promise that i'll be stronger, i really will :)
You're so pathetic kim, so fucking pathetic
5:01 PM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
I swear to you.
11:50 AM
Thursday, February 15, 2007

I love it when you call
But you never call at all
Yo wassuppp ya'll :)
I finally went training today after a long self proclaimed break. and i can really feel my bones breaking now after so much of running non stop, arms aching from the consecutive ball passes and yes i've step onto the court for a proper game today. I'm really proud of myself, finally i have decided to go for trainings (Y)
Lessons were really fun today esp accounts. Had a really hilarious and wonderful chitchat gossip session with demelza, jasmine and eunice? Hahaha yea and pe was fun for the first time this year. We played island and was reallly fun tho we had to run like crazy. Yada yada went to eat instant noodles at opposite schl with the rest. Ya da ya da and then i got really pissed but they all know the reason i'm always pissed. Well... its always the same old stupid stuffs la. I had fun today anyway, lots and lots of fun. I can't wait to go out with jia my lovelove girlfriend tmr its beeen sooo damn long yay! :)
Good day homiesss,
7:40 PM
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy saint valentines day to mah homiessss yo! :) i hope you all had a spanking sexy day with your friends or love ones coughshankycoughspankinkcoughs away hehehe ;D
Well i wanted/supposed to spend today with someone but neveerrrmindnesss. So eventually planned a date with my girlfriend and morgan buttta my girlfriend, chen sijia had to take a test after schl cos she had to act smart yesterday by falling sick (boo you girlfriend) sooooo morgan and i went to eat pepper lunch(!!!), (i had a bad stomachache the whole day thur =\) k and then we went shopping. And i got one topshop top, so effing sexy. plus a top i got yesterday during my valentines day shopping with lpc so i got two new tops! Not forgetting i bump into sexy jenny and budddeh(I miss you buddy)!
Spent almost a bomb on presents, gave lauren her dongbang thing and got my favourite girls flowers, fake hahaha. Eh but it smells really nice and if im not wrong you can shower with it hahaha. And thats because in ps one stalk of flowers costs 15 bucks. Do i sound like someone whom will spent that amount of money? Hahaha sorry im super cheapo when comes to chings :D but anyways thanks for the presents today! I really appreciate it and remember to shower with the flowers k and love the tobelrones :)
8:42 PM
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hello there
the angel from my nightmare,
This week feels so busy with st valentines, 6p reunion dinner, cny and cts next week. I can't wait to spend st valentines with jia since i haven't really gone out with her much, and that really sucks. I just had mint chocos with coke, thats the sexxx. Meeting morgan tmr for dinner and some coughshankycoughspanky updates, right? ;D i can just stare at my accounts worksheet for a whole afternoon, flipping thru the textbook for ref, and till now i still do not know what to write or what to do. I sure suck at this subject tho everyone says its the easiest, but its the total opposite for me. Besides having 3 days of fun during cny, it'll also be mugging for cts. Like why the hell must they put it right after cny, ughhh its sucha kill joy.
Take your self apart find yourself with love, I love you.
4:08 PM
Monday, February 05, 2007
rompe rompe rompe, break it down
I wrote the gospel on giving up (You look pretty sinking)
But the real bombshells have already sunk (Prima donnas of the gutter)
At night we're painting your trash gold while you sleep
Crashing not like hips or cars
No, more like p-p-p-parties
This ain't a scene, it’s a god damn arms race
Hupert died today omg i'm really upset over his death i can't believe it. To think that my dad breeds fishes and they can survive for soooo long and yet his own daughter can't even keep a fish surviving for a week. Ah i'm so pissed, i'm gonna bury it in my garden later. I still can't believe it, i'm so emotionally attached to it and it died. I love you, hupert rest in peace baby ):
Today i failed chinese and accounts by one mark. But oh wells i hardly pay attention in class for accounts, and its just one miserable mark to pass then i think its kinda okay. I'm kinda happy so thumbs up (Y) and its like a motivation to study harder for accounts now so yay. I haven't really plan what to give anyone for valentine day's so i guess it'll be panicking next week again. Cny is coming its like next week i can't wait to wear new clothes and hang out with the cousins ;D and obviously gotta study for the tests. So anti-climax omg. Fall out boy is coming down next month and i wanna go omg omg, someone sneak me in pls ):
Fact of the day: eating too much ikan bilis gets you big breasts hahaha wtf. and yes goodluck to those getting back O's results! :)
7:08 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
if i can't if i can't have you
We're falling apart to halftime
and these are the lives you'd love to lead
this is the way they'd love if they knew how misery loved me
Theres really something wrong with my nose. It was just bleeding like mad last night no the night before for no reason i swear i didn't blow the guts out of my nose or anything. My mum thinks that i might end up having lotsa nose problem when i grow up =\ and i was talking to lauren about becoming aneroxic just now because the canteen food in schl is gonna start to suck. But on a happy note, less temptations when i step into the canteen which obviously means i can finally start my diet ;D my fish is still surviving by the way. So far so good tho i think i've over fed it.
Oh yes happy belated birthday steph! I love you so i'm looking forward to 6p's reunion dinner :) i just realised how much i miss the lower sec days whenever i pass serene centre in the bus to tuition. Every tuesdays where celene, steph, john, nick, kheng and i would just sit around macs and talk. And the times we studied in kap during the hols. I kinda miss those days, it was reallly fun and really memorable. Ah whatever la. I got to go for dinner and go my grandmama's house, no time for being emo already bye
3:35 PM
Friday, February 02, 2007
and if i hadnt told you that i loved you,
would you still love me too?
I'm done with the fifth week of sch and a month in 2007 is over! Now if you think that 2006 passed really fast, this year's evenfaster. Hahaha class tests started this week and i can confirm you plus chop that i am going to fail accounts so bad. The testwas like a (can't say) and yet i can't even do it. Jasmine, seetoh and i are like in a world of our own accounts. Our answers area big difference with all the rest, only the 3 of us had general journal while the rest all didn't have. I swear i need to stopsleeping and talking during accnts alr. On a happy note, i remembered to get my fishy in schl today. Soooo cute ;D the fish issoo active and cute it cant stop eating and swimming around tho the glass is so small. Thanks jia for yesterday eventho wearen't in the same class and we hardly talk in schl now but you're still my bestest close friend ever we gotta hang out soon pls,I love you :) Alrights i need to go study so that i can go out tmr! and Happy early birthday thomas! :D
8:55 PM