Friday, March 30, 2007
11:51 PM
Thursday, March 29, 2007
I just realised what a fucking big liar you were. And to think i fell for those lies repeatedly. Its so unbelieve, so unreal. The biggest mistake/regret, sucha let down. I wanna thank you so much (And if you think i'm talking about you, then maybe you're wrong)
11:55 PM
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
I love you so damn much; I’ll even start to pray.
I’ll put my faith in all your bullshit if it means you’ll stay.
Hello march is coming to an end and just in like a few days time its gonna be april. Wow this years just insanely fast. What the hell have i been doing for the past two months plus?! I think i've prolly just wasted my past two months slacking, playing and going emo and that was equals to the fucking bad results in termone. Anyhoos aprils gonna be sooo busy with sports day, netball camp(yes i'm going :D), birthdays, schl concert and mid years :( How am i going to squeeze in last years topics and this years topics into just one month? =\
Anyw spasmzzz around in schl today and it was hilarious. Assembly was really weird. The whole schl was told that todays a sad day cuz we didnt notice mrtang standing at the podium timing us and we just continue talking. (?!?!?!!) It was really weird. Oh and i'm suppose to ask my mummy abt some affection thing, really really weird. And the schl has some weird obsession with we're all in this together, righttttt... Todays lit class was spent talking to lyt which was a time of pouring out stuffs about - again. And yea i was almost close to tears. You know when you talk about a certain topic, you tend to get all emo. So stuuupid right? Yea just blame it on girls and their bloody naive heart(okay maybe just me). I think i'm gonna get a new link or like a lj or xanga whatever whenever i'm prepared to change. i'm sick of fraplove.blgspt its too emo. Okay right enough emoing bye
10:30 PM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I feel awfully bad now. I'm sorrry :(
and - are fuckers sia srsly. Bloody hell piss people off
3:57 PM
Monday, March 26, 2007
i'll take you to the candy shop

Ps I'm still not over you
Hello, me is a very happy kiddo gal today ^^v
Cuz i'm on my waaay to being a nerd alr, a very successful one! I carried my super 3 years old bag to sch today and boy did i look like a new secone kiddo, carrying haversack which looks like a total gee-aye-why. And jkoh and i spent breaks studying at the studying area and its gonna last till n's are overrr! Lyt thought that i was possesed and someone said that the sun rised from the east today lol
Lessons were quite fun today somehow and accounts was amazingly good. Understand the whole topic and all the stuffs now eventho i fell asleep again for a few minutes. I was really dying! And i was acting all retarded in accnts cuz i was complaining stress! Hahaha anyw i was all prepared to go training today but but but it was cancelled, so i didnt pon i didnt pon! :D Ferngalicious bitchfit in class today, whats new? HAHA so she gave us like nine pages of ten year series to do by tmr zzomg. Chem suck ballsss! :( ALRIGHTY I BETTER GO GET MY ASS TO MY BOOKS NOW! TOODLESSS :D
5:54 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
What hurts the most, was being so close
Midnight laguna beach on my zenn last night, and it makes you cry cos its like zzomg super drama, sweet and just like a typical sappy love story :(( Had nightmare again last night and it was two friends who wanna commit suicide and bla bla bla. So my mumsie and i didn't macs this morning cos i woke up late so we're going tmr hahaha. Accnts tuition in about one hours time! :D I'm super excited somehow
Ps, note to self: finish up xxx's movie and letter by tonight. I miss you xxx! (If you think that its you, its not its not so shut up! :D)
Five hundred and forty seven days
12:29 PM
Friday, March 23, 2007

It leaves me questioning what is true about me and you
And as i watch the sunrise for the last time i think of you
Hello, today and yesterday were very eventful. Yesterday had the jc/poly talk during live and it was rather scary knowing that we've got to really do well for our nlevels. Maths was (Y) hahaha cos i understood the chapter she was teaching like finally. Cip at pathlight after that which was really fun. So six of us to a class of five ten year old kiddos and i must they're srsly funny to the max. It was really freaky at first cos we were afraid one of them would kill us or smthg but it wasnt that bad afterall. But our class was the most happening one, we had like a emo kiddo who always wanted to stare outside the window, a super touchy kiddo, a loveydovey couple which is only a one sided thing like hahaha they're only ten and the little boy wants to marry her in future so cute, and then a hyper and loud kiddo. Calista and i got the emo kiddo and t'was quite freaky so i hop around here and there. Cip was really fun and tiring overall that i fell asleep in the bus on the way back to schl :)
The first period of geog today was like really bad cos i was trying really hard to stay awake. Accnts was reallly gooood like the best accnts lesson ever since like this year? Sat alone and could really concerntrate better eventho it was three looong periods. The only thing was that at the second period i was practically dying so i told seetoh to wake me up after five minutes and when i fell asleep i had a nightmare (!!) it was really scary that i suddenly jerked, i almost jumped up =\ I must have dreamt about those monsters (jkoh you-know-who you-know-who, the mses hahaha ;D) Then for the first time ever jkoh and i went straight to chem class eventho it was break and we had our usual talks. We're extreamly motivated to study now, like reallly hard. So we're gonna use our breaks to study at the study area from now on. And we wanted to use the toilet at the first level but our schs sooo weird they locked one of the toilets cos it was very dirty so the discpline comm locked it, so retarded zzomg
Anyw library to do study geog after schl and something really funny happened. Two girls were standing at the other door of the library and then library aunty came and scolded them cos she thought that they were trying to escape (?!?!?) HAHAHA yes and we started laughing really bad when she started digging her ass and she scolded us for laughing. Then she asked jkoh why her blouse sleeve had blood stain and said that she murdered someone or that how come the bottom can end up at the sleeve (wtf la bloody retarded) and some sectwos were laughing really loud and jkoh only laughed and said no no no hahaha. Lauren and i were just laughing our asses off. She couldn't stop scratching and digging her ass infront of us lol. My momma's extreamly weird she told me to wake up early tmr morning cos we're going for breakfast and study at macs cos she wants me to have a more interesting way of studying (?!?!?) She wanna be hip and cool, she even learn our lingo alr. HAHAHA OMG THATS SO WEIRDDD. And she came home and told me something :(( On the brighter side i'm quite excited to have my very first accnts tuition tmr :D
6:14 PM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Scrap books kept and lost, they were tossed aside like sunday nights
memories bleed away, like romance novels and day time dramas
Recently have been like some kinda of hey-wake-up-you're-taking-nlevels-in-about-five-months time kinda thing. Missc gave me a one to one wake up call and i think it kinda hit me really hard that my studies are failing quite badly and that i should really start paying attention in class. I've got to really stop playing and start burying myself in books. The talk was somehow very touching. Ugh times passing really really fast. In weekthree will be common test yet again, and then will be midyears =\ Well i had my fun the past years alr, and i must say they are really solid good fun so i should really start to settle down now.
Exactly, very very exact this day, this date, around this timing, and doing the exact same thing zzz-omg was one of the most emo/painful day of the year so far and it was like a sudden flow of recollection memories during tuition. Now scream dramaaa and emo yo! (But its sooo freaky, yea shut up kim) And yes its been exactly a month alr! Seee how time flies, boo =\ No wonder today i got scolded by mrst and missc called my mum on this day, this date omg. Anyw met the bestf after schl and it was a really really catching up time and the hth talks was really awesome. Sorry for not being there at your lowest times, but yknow that i care right? Dont worry and be happy okay? I'm always here! I love you bestf :) Alrightsss its study time so tooodles
4:38 PM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
If life was like a movie maybe we could go down together
hand in hand camera's rolling forever
Second day of schl wasn't too bad except for english. Maybe cos we did asiangeog and none of us were actually really interested in it, and that explains why almost all of us were dying. Even going to the toilet to wash my face wasn't good enough, i had to slap myself so many times. And missc said janng, nerissa and i were scatter brains, shes so mean i swear! Spent a period of maths sleeping, and then the other period doing the questions. Had a really uh freaky but weird journey home, ee weird and freaky people =\ Hokay i got to go do ss now, tooodles!
3:55 PM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Schools reopening tmr again, yes again. But from the beginning it doesnt even feel like holiday cos it passed so quicky. I hardly even did anything maybe except for a very succeful tanning (now shut up thomas and brendon cos i do not tann my ass, whities -.-) okay and then a very uh emo mondayblues. The aftermath of it was spending the next two days sleeeping. On thursday went back to sch to collect reportbook which is the day i actually died. So the next few days had to stay at home and bury myself in books. So they decided to suspend me from my phone as the reason states: it'll be less distracting and i will score an a for every subject without, and i'll score with flying rainbow colours in mid years! I think i got to get the i'm-bloody-hell-sitting-for-n-levels-this-year fact into my brains cos i think i've been playing too much. My mommas so pissed at me i think she really wish she could kill me now :( and the fact that i didnt do well for termone they decided to stop my piano too because this year is the i'm-bloody-hell-sitting-for-n-levels year ugh. School tmr school tmr :(
8:26 PM

I woke up this morning not myself, and thoughts fill my mind of you with someone else. And all the pain i feel was caused by me, but i'd feel this pain forever if it means you're happy. But i know i'll always want to be with you, i'll love you forever, until time's through.
I'll sleep the pain away, meet tomorrow with you. I'll sleep the pain away and i'll pray you could love me too.
Well i know i don't deserve another shot, that's ok. I still love you with all i've got. I wouldn't trade anything for the time i spent with you, got to call you mine
12:52 AM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Suntanned with jkoh, lauren and janng in the morning. I'm sooo burnt now, everywhere. I don't really know whether to call the party screwed or what but i just want everyone who thinks that i got wasted on purpose right, that i didn't. Cos firstly, i wasn't that wasted and secondly i'm not that stupid to get wasted just for that reason. So some of us just danced around, as usual danced with nerissa and serene can pump and janng can jerk, both fucking hot sial. Most of the time i was just walking opp jkoh's house and back and forth. And i think i kinda expected how i was last night. Everyone just sat around at the poolside, then all left to jkoh's house. Bob and i just sat down and had our heart to heart talks till about threeam. t'was awesome, really. Thank you for the whole night anyw. Sorry if i brokedown really really bad. Anyw then went to jkoh's house talk and play arond abit here and there. Then the girls left to macs and i fell asleep for thirtymins there while they ate and then jkoh, janng and i cabbed back to her house. And we slept only at sixam plus, i couldn't stop replaying everything that happened during the party in my mind. And i slept with a really scary but weirdass dream :O
Thank you all last night for the hugs and all. The walks, and taking care of me. Yea i was the best last night, i cried like i never cried before. Ahhhh emo night la. I'm sorry if i was like shouting and all cos you know like i said i didn't want any of us to get into any trouble. Thank you for lending me all ya shoulderrrrs. one love
I don't really know if i did the right thing yesterday by just telling you all those stuffs. Initially i really really didn't wanna say anything out at all but i think after yesterday i had to. but thanks for the hug anyw, i feel a little much better :)
3:19 PM
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Today's the sexxx, totally ;D Met demelza and jkoh at bugis and we shopped around. Then cabbed to marina bay to meet janng and serene. Then bused down and then we went to the steamboat place. Hahaha its quite good really i mean for twelvebucks, fucking worth it. So we sat there for like almost four hours eating, laughing and talking. The food is quite okay la, it aint that that bad. The company was reallly fun, laugh so much and talk so much nonsense. I bet jkoh think i super kp hahaha. Mermaid's breasts was really yummy i ate like aalloooottt. Reached home around ten plus. Okay we gotta go back there again :) anyw i'll let the peektures do the talking la. We're like super camwhoresss cos theres like more in the folder. I'll upload it into imagestation soooon

11:19 PM
Friday, March 09, 2007
Misscee said one whole list of negative things to me today. she says that one look and everyone thinks im bright but i got nothing inside. im so hurt omg :( and im super sociable which is a bad thing cos she says its called too overly super talkative. okay termtwo is gonna be study study study and im gonna masking tape my mouth in class. anyw jfl after schl with lauren and jng. and since we had lots of free time before the movie we decided to be funny and go tann. vivo's a real good place to tann, and the suns the best today. anyhoos jfl is the boringest movie ever. okay i fell asleep halfway so isnt that boring? since i get amused really easily. i hope i can go for the shopping and steamboat with the rest tmr cos im really excited. and super excited times hundred for monday to come, tanning plus plus partying :)
okay im out to meet jia and all for dinner byeeee :D
5:53 PM
Thursday, March 08, 2007
last day of the term tmr and im both happy and sad. happy cos its finally the holidays again, and sad cos i die also must go back to schl to collect report book. sch end at eleventwentyam tmr, thats the sex yo. and then gonna finally catch jfl with the rest. pn sat hopefully steamboat dont get cancelled so im gonna look forward to a pretty good weekend. anyway this week has been pretty fine besides having to setttle so many problems concerning the party. money is the root of all evil. todays so eventful, cos we ran twopointfour today and my plan was to take one whole period to run so i really did and when mrst said to stop running cos we all failed, i shouted yay. and for that she said why was i so idiotic. but i really didnt wanna run at all, the whether was so damn bloody hot, my ass is aching from sports heats until now. i feel so old and achey plus my one side of my ribs are aching ah omg how. sports heats was so damn scary as usual cos i had to be the first runner for relay! hahaha but anyway we won sooo that means its gonna be double scary on sports day. but yay for team1 :)
okay i should learn to shut up
4:25 PM
Friday, March 02, 2007
Hello boy it's been a while, guess you'll be glad to know that I've learned how to laugh and smile. Getting over you was slow. They say old lovers can be good friends, but I never thought I'd really see you, I'd really see you again.
I go crazy, when I look in your eyes. I still go crazy. No my heart just can't hide that old feeling inside, way deep down inside. Oh baby you know when I look in your eyes, I go crazy.
You say she satisfies your mind, tells you all of her dreams. I know how much that means to you. I realise that I was blind. Just when I thought I was over you, I see your face and it just ain't true. No it just ain't true.
I go crazy, when I look in your eyes. I still go crazy. That old flame comes alive, it's starts burning inside, way deep down inside. Oh baby you know when I look in your eyes, I go crazy
11:11 PM